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The Best Turkish Coffee to Try on Your Trip

If you’re a coffee lover, you can’t visit Turkey without trying their famous Turkish coffee. This traditional drink has been an essential part of Turkish culture for centuries and is served in almost every corner of the country. Here’s a guide to help you find the best Turkish coffee during your trip.

  1. Understand What Turkish Coffee is

Turkish coffee is made by boiling finely ground coffee beans in a pot called a cezve, mixed with water and sugar. It’s unfiltered, which means the coffee grounds stay in the cup. The result is a rich, strong, and aromatic coffee with a thick foam on top. Turkish coffee is served in small cups, and it’s customary to serve a glass of water alongside to cleanse your palate.

  1. Look for Local Cafes

The best place to find authentic Turkish coffee is in local cafes. Istanbul has many historic cafes where you can try traditional Turkish coffee, such as Mandabatmaz and Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi. In other parts of the country, look for small cafes where locals gather to drink coffee and socialize.

  1. Check the Roasting Date

When you’re buying Turkish coffee to take home, make sure to check the roasting date on the package. The fresher the coffee, the better the flavor. If possible, buy from a local coffee roaster or a reputable shop that specializes in Turkish coffee.

  1. Try Different Varieties

There are many different varieties of Turkish coffee, each with a unique flavor profile. Some of the most popular types are Mocha, Colombian, and Arabica. Ask the barista or shop owner about the different varieties and try a few to find your favorite.

  1. Learn How to Read Your Fortune

One of the most fun aspects of drinking Turkish coffee is the tradition of reading your fortune from the coffee grounds left in the cup. After you finish your coffee, turn the cup upside down on the saucer and wait for the grounds to settle. Then, have a Turkish friend or a fortune-teller read your future from the shapes and patterns formed by the coffee grounds.

In conclusion, trying Turkish coffee is a must-do experience during your trip to Turkey. By following these tips, you’ll be able to find the best Turkish coffee and enjoy it like a local.

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