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Dulkadirli Underground City

The Dulkadirli Underground City is a unique historical site located in the city of Kırşehir, which is about 200 kilometers east of Ankara. It is a multi-level underground city built by the ancient civilizations that lived in the region, including the Hittites, Phrygians, and early Christians. The underground city was used for shelter, storage, and protection during times of war, and it was connected to the surface through hidden entrances and ventilation shafts.

To get to the Dulkadirli Underground City, you can take a bus or drive from Ankara or other major cities in the region. The city is located about 5 kilometers outside of Kırşehir, and there are signs along the road to guide you there. Once you arrive, you can park your vehicle and take a short walk to the entrance of the underground city.

The Dulkadirli Underground City is open to visitors for exploration and guided tours. The tour takes you through narrow tunnels and rooms where you can see how people lived in the underground city. You can see the ventilation shafts, storage rooms, kitchens, churches, and other living areas, which are all carved out of the soft volcanic rock. The tour is conducted in Turkish, but there are usually pamphlets and information signs in English available to help you understand the history and significance of the site.

It is important to note that the underground city can be dark and claustrophobic, and there are some steep stairs and tight spaces to navigate, so visitors with mobility issues or medical conditions should take extra precautions. Additionally, the temperature inside the underground city is cooler than the surface, so it is recommended to bring a light jacket or sweater.

In conclusion, the Dulkadirli Underground City is a fascinating historical site that offers a glimpse into the past civilizations that lived in the Kırşehir region. It is easily accessible by bus or car from major cities in the area, and guided tours are available for visitors. With its unique architecture and rich history, the Dulkadirli Underground City is definitely worth a visit for anyone interested in ancient civilizations and underground structures.

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