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The Top Underground Cities to Visit in Cappadocia: A Guide for Tourists

Cappadocia is famous for its underground cities, which are a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the people who once inhabited this region. These subterranean cities offer a unique glimpse into the past and are a must-see for any tourist visiting Cappadocia. In this guide, we will take a look at the top underground cities to visit in Cappadocia and what makes each one so special.

  1. Derinkuyu Underground City

Derinkuyu is the largest and deepest underground city in Cappadocia, with over 18 levels extending more than 60 meters underground. It was used as a hiding place for thousands of people during times of war and persecution. The city contains many rooms for living, storage, and worship, as well as ventilation shafts and a well. Visitors can explore the vast network of tunnels and see the impressive engineering feats of the ancient inhabitants.

  1. Kaymakli Underground City

Kaymakli is the second-largest underground city in Cappadocia and is thought to have been used by early Christians as a hiding place from Roman persecution. It has four levels, with the first level containing living quarters, storage rooms, and a church. The lower levels contain ventilation shafts, water wells, and wineries. Visitors can wander through the narrow tunnels and marvel at the complex architecture and ancient artifacts.

  1. Özkonak Underground City

Özkonak is a smaller underground city, but no less impressive. It is thought to have been built in the 4th century AD and contains many well-preserved living spaces and storage rooms. Visitors can see the ingenious ventilation system and explore the maze-like tunnels that connect the different levels of the city.

  1. Tatlarin Underground City

Tatlarin is a lesser-known underground city, but it is no less fascinating. It is located in a remote area and is thought to have been used for protection and storage by local villagers during times of war. The city contains a large number of rooms and tunnels, as well as a church, stables, and wineries. Visitors can explore the intricate network of tunnels and imagine what life would have been like for the people who once lived there.

  1. Mazi Underground City

Mazi is another lesser-known underground city that is worth visiting. It is thought to have been used as a hiding place during times of war and persecution, and it contains many well-preserved living spaces and storage rooms. Visitors can explore the narrow tunnels and see the impressive ventilation system that was used to keep the city’s inhabitants safe.


Cappadocia’s underground cities are an incredible testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the people who once inhabited this region. Each city has its own unique history and charm, and visiting them is an unforgettable experience. By using this guide, tourists can discover the top underground cities to visit in Cappadocia and gain a deeper understanding of the ancient people who once called these underground cities home.

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